The InterFide-CRT is going to organise its Final Conference in Tirana on 20-21 June 2023, starting at 9:30 on the first day and ending at 17:30 on the second. The Final Conference entitles "Culture among religions: new technologies, business models and new professional skills development", to sum up the philosophy of the InterFide-CRT project, which is aimed at supporting valuable cooperation between tourism stakeholders and religious authorities to develop an operative framework for the enhancement of the touristic potential of inter-religious experiences in Albania, Italy, and Montenegro.
The event will be hosted by the Kongresi Rinor Kombëtar, the National Youth Council in Tirana, and will be organised by the InterFide Lead Partner, Cultural Association VIZart, in collaboration with project partner Municipality of Tirana. The event will be the occasion for consolidating the ecumenical dialogue among many representatives of different confessions that will meet and share their views and future common goals.The Conference will, in fact, highlight how building tolerance and inter-religious cooperation across coutries that share multi-religious traditions and monuments can facilitate the development of a sector-specific tourism, with many tangible outcomes under the economic standpoint.
During the event, the main milestones of the project will be presented as well as the main output: the INTERFIDE cross-border platform for religious tourism. The Interreg IPA CBC Italy-Albania-Montenegro Programme Joint Secretariat will participate to collect this information and endorse the many results that were achieved across the months of project implementation.
Download the event's poster here.
Download the event's agenda here.
Watch the event's photos here.